Welcome to your January Update for the 2025 EGU General Assembly, to be held 27 April–2 May 2025, both on-site in Vienna, Austria, and virtually. To keep you up to date, we will be sending you important EGU25 information 'EGU25 Updates' at least once per month – at the beginning of the month. You will still receive direct emails when tasks have a specific deadline, so make sure you check your spam folders and settings so that you don't miss anything!
More information about some new features planned for the EGU25 General Assembly will be available soon, but for now let’s check the important information you need to know about in January!
So, what do you need to do in January?
For conveners
- The call for abstracts is closing soon, so it's your last chance to advertise your session! The abstract submission deadline is 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
- Late abstracts must be uploaded by conveners on behalf of authors by 21 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
- Registration is open on the EGU25 website! Choose the right fee option for you, early-bird registration is available until 31 March 2025, 13:00 CET.
- Session organization of ‘SOI - Abstract implementation’ must be completed by 28 January 2025, and ‘SOII - Session tagging’ must be completed by 30 January 2025. Please discuss session merging and abstract transfer with your Programme Group Chair as early as possible to allow time for discussion between conveners.
- Wonder which sessions are similar to yours to prepare for merging? Try our new EGU25 topic similarity adviser, an experimental tool that uses the text from your abstract or session to suggest sessions that are similar. It is available until 13 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
- If you would like to have a solicited speaker in your session, make sure you check the conditions that apply before approaching them.
- If you are a convener of a US/GDB session, it is time to prepare your panel (speakers, questions to be addressed, timing) and start advertising your session. You can also login and add the speakers to the session description using the Session Modification tool.
- Need financial support to attend EGU25 because of caregiving responsibilities, disability, career status or other barriers to inclusion? Apply for our new EDI participation support grant by 23 February 2025, 23:59 CET.
- Have a question about being a convener? Find all convener guidelines and rules on our website!
- The EGU25 mentoring scheme is now open for mentors, apply by 17 March 2025!
- Apply for a Townhall meeting at EGU25 by 22 January 2025!
- Take the opportunity to connect on a specific topic by applying for a Splinter Meeting! Commercial Splinter Meetings are available from 17 March.
- Prepare your calendar with all the EGU25 important dates by checking our Deadlines and Milestones page.
- Curious about who contributes to the organization of the EGU25 General Assembly? Meet the Programme Committee!
For authors
- Please ensure you have checked your EGU/Copernicus login data before 10 January 2025 to avoid overloading the system in the final week of abstract submissions. You must also have a valid EGU membership for 2025.
- Submit your regular abstract to the session of your choice by 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
- Submit an abstract in an EOS session in addition to a regular abstract, this is the only exception to the one abstract rule (unless you are a solicited speaker).
- Looking for tips on how to submit your abstract? Find instructions on how to submit on the EGU25 website.
- Looking for the right session to submit your abstract to? Try our new EGU25 topic similarity adviser, an experimental tool that uses the text from your abstract or session to suggest sessions that are similar. It is available until 13 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
- If you have been invited as a solicited speaker, ensure you have the TAN number from your convener that you need to submit your solicited talk in addition to a regular abstract.
- Late abstracts must be sent to conveners to be submitted on your behalf by 21 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
- If you applied for financial support the results of your application will be available on 10 January 2025.
- Registration is open on the EGU25 website! Choose the right fee option for you, early-bird registration is available until 31 March 2025, 13:00 CET.
- Need financial support to attend EGU25 because of caregiving responsibilities, disability, career status or other barriers to inclusion? Apply for our new EDI participation support grant by 23 February 2025, 23:59 CET.
- Letters of acceptance for abstracts will be provided by 21 February 2025.
- Looking for work at EGU25 or know someone who is? Applications to be a Conference Assistant are open until 7 January 2025!
- Support your colleagues at the General Assembly - the EGU25 mentoring scheme is open for mentors, apply by 17 March 2025!
- Apply for a Townhall meeting at EGU25 by 22 January 2025!
- Take the opportunity to connect on a specific topic by applying for a Splinter Meeting! Commercial Splinter Meetings are available from 17 March.
- Prepare your calendar with all the EGU25 important dates by checking our Deadlines and Milestones page.
- Curious about who contributes to the organization of the EGU25 General Assembly? Meet the Programme Committee!
For attendees
- Need financial support to attend EGU25 because of caregiving responsibilities, disability, career status or other barriers to inclusion? Apply for our new EDI participation support grant by 23 February 2025, 23:59 CET.
- Support your colleagues at the General Assembly - the EGU25 mentoring scheme is open for mentors, apply by 17 March 2025!
- Looking for work at EGU25 or know someone who is? Applications to be a Conference Assistant are open until 7 January 2025!
- Registration is open on the EGU25 website! Choose the right fee option for you, early-bird registration is available until 31 March 2025, 13:00 CET.
- Apply for a Townhall meeting at EGU25 by 22 January 2025!
- Take the opportunity to connect on a specific topic by applying for a Splinter Meeting! Commercial Splinter Meetings are available from 17 March.
- Prepare your calendar with all the EGU25 important dates by checking our Deadlines and Milestones page.
- Curious about who contributes to the organization of the EGU25 General Assembly? Meet the Programme Committee!