General information

Three participation support schemes have been put in place by the EGU Council to facilitate the widest possible participation in EGU25:

Registration fee waivers for virtual participants

Registration fees are waived for virtual participation by:

  • Scientists with a permanent affiliation in a low- or lower-middle income country according to the World Bank definition.
  • Undergraduate and Master's students. A proof of student status is required.

See the registration page for further details.

Roland Schlich Travel Support for on-site participants

On-site participants who wish to apply for a Roland Schlich travel support must be the contact author, as well as the first and presenting author of their contribution, and they must submit an abstract by 2 December 2024, 13:00 CET. The EGU support selection committee will decide about awarding support to individual contributions by 10 January 2025. All applicants will be informed after the decision.

It is generally expected that authors of abstracts scheduled for on-site presentation will secure their own funding for attending the conference. However, a limited amount of the overall budget of the conference is reserved to assist early career scientists in attending the conference. Roland Schlich travel support includes a registration fee waiver and a refund of the abstract processing charge (APC) for the abstract for which support was granted. Additionally, financial assistance towards travel expenditures may be provided at the discretion of the support selection committee to a maximum of €300.

Furthermore, a very limited amount of the overall budget of the conference is reserved for assisting established scientists from low-, lower-middle, and higher-middle income countries.

  • Please note, that the APC is applied for abstracts for which support is requested, but will be refunded if the support application is successful.
  • Only 2025 EGU members can submit an abstract, including honorary/life members. The EGU membership fee is not refunded.
  • Each support grant is awarded to the contact author for a particular abstract. Should this abstract be withdrawn before the conference or should this abstract not be presented at the conference although the author who has been awarded is present at the conference, the financial support has to be returned, and the registration fee will be charged to the author's account.
  • Support grants are non-transferable.
  • Only the granted amount mentioned in the financial support email will be paid out to the supported contact author.
A participant can receive a maximum of two ECSTS and two ESTS during their career. In other words, applicants who have received two Roland Schlich travel supports in a category in the past are not eligible to apply for that category again.


Early Career Scientist's Travel Support (ECSTS)

This travel support scheme is specifically for early career scientists (ECS). The nominee needs to satisfy the EGU definition of an ECS by 1 January 2025: be a student, a PhD candidate, or a practicing scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g., BSc, MSc, or PhD) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations, or national service.

Participants from the following European countries are particularly encouraged to apply for travel support as dedicated funds are earmarked for this group: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia.

Additionally, earmarked funds are also dedicated towards early career scientists from low-, lower-middle, and upper-middle income non-European countries as determined by the World Bank designation of Gross National Income per capita.

Established Scientist's Travel Support (ESTS)

A very limited amount of the overall budget of the conference is reserved for assisting established scientists from low-, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries as determined by the World Bank designation of Gross National Income per capita.

Tomasin Support

In memory of Alberto Tomasin, Professor at the University of Venice in the area of oceanography, additional funding is available to facilitate the participation of several Early Career Scientists in Ocean Sciences.

EGU EDI Participation Support

The EGU Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Participation Support Scheme aims to provide financial assistance to scientists in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences who encounter significant EDI-related financial barriers that prevent them from attending the EGU General Assembly. This scheme is intended to promote equal opportunities to participate by offering support to individuals facing specific financial challenges unrelated to their geographical location. The deadline for application is 23 February 2025, 23:59 CET.

Apply for the EGU EDI Participation Support

Eligible candidates must demonstrate extenuating financial circumstances that can be documented upon request and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Caregiving responsibilities: geoscientists with significant caregiving responsibilities that incur financial costs, including parents or primary caregivers for dependent children, elderly family members, or individuals with disabilities.
  • Disability and special needs: geoscientists with disabilities or special assistance needs that result in additional financial costs or logistical challenges for attending the conference.
  • Career transitions: geoscientists who are currently between positions (e.g. do not have a salary because they are between academic posts or between academic and industry positions) and face financial barriers caused by the transition are eligible to receive the support once to present their research.

Participants may request financial support for the following:

  • Registration fee waivers
    • Waivers for on-site or virtual participation registration fees.
    • Waivers for accompanying caregivers (e.g. caregivers of children or disabled participants) for on-site participation.
  • Travel Support
    • Travel expenses for essential caregivers accompanying the participant.
    • Expenses for transporting and/or hiring necessary medical equipment required by the participant.
    • Travel expenses for bringing a dependent child when no alternative care is available during the conference.
  • Home-Help Support
    • Financial support for hiring home-help to assist in caring for dependents while the participant is attending the EGU General Assembly.
  • Accommodation Support
    • Financial assistance for accessible or specialized accommodation required due to disability or special needs.
  • Additional Childcare Support
    • Subsidies for childcare services at the conference venue or in the participant's home location if the participant is attending the conference virtually or in person.
  • Technology Access Support
    • Financial support for the purchase or rental of assistive technology or equipment necessary to facilitate virtual participation for individuals with disabilities.