Thank you for your willingness to participate in the organization of the EGU General Assembly as a convener. Here we provide information to help you in all stages of proposing, organizing and convening a session. Information will be added to this page step-by-step as we approach the event. Make sure you read it carefully, as information may change from one year to another.

Conveners should pay specific attention to the following points:

  1. The scientific programme of the EGU General Assembly is organized by the Programme Committee, including Chairs and Science Officers of different Programme Groups (PGs).
  2. Conveners are invited to identify the PG Chair and the officers of the Programme Group their session belongs to and communicate with them whenever needed during the process of submitting and organizing a session.
  3. Conveners are assisted by the staff of Copernicus Meetings, who informs them by email of actions needed with regard to the organization of their sessions. Conveners use the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer online system to submit and organize their sessions (see below). Copernicus Meetings can be contacted at
  4. All members of a convener team must read the convener rules and guidelines, and agree to abide by the EGU code of conduct.
For a glimpse of what is expected from conveners during the EGU General Assembly, you are invited to watch this short video.

Rules and general guidelines for conveners

The following rules for conveners and co-conveners apply during session proposal submission and session organization. Please be aware that not abiding by these rules can prevent programme finalization in the system:

  1. When submitting a session proposal, keep in mind that a convener team consists of a minimum of 2 conveners (1 convener and 1 co-convener) and a maximum of 5 conveners (1 convener and 4 co-conveners) per session.
  2. The member of the convener team who submits a session proposal agrees to become the point of contact for the session for session-specific communication with authors and conference organizers. This means that their email address would be listed alongside their name on the programme. Changes to the point of contact and/or additional points of contact can be appointed at a later stage.
  3. One can have a maximum of 3 (co-)convenerships in total, with one as lead convener and a maximum of two as co-convener. One additional co-convenership for Union Symposia and Great Debates is allowed. Short Courses are not counted in the maximum number of convenerships allowed.
  4. Convening a session and presenting their work at the EGU General Assembly is encouraged, but some rules apply:
    1. Conveners and co-conveners cannot be solicited speakers in the session they convene.
    2. In oral/poster sessions, (co-)conveners can be (co-)authors, but they cannot present an oral in the session they convene. They can however be poster presenting authors.
    3. In PICO sessions, (co-)conveners can be (co-)authors and presenting authors in the session they convene.
    4. A (co-)convener cannot be a session chairperson for the time block in which they are presenting.

In addition, we recommend conveners to carefully read the following points:

  1. The EGU strongly encourages conveners to build their teams and organize their sessions considering and promoting under-represented demographics, in particular including: (i) multiple countries and institutes, (ii) different career stages, with particular attention to the participation of Early Career Scientists, as well as (iii) different genders and all other forms of diversity.
  2. Lead conveners should check with all co-conveners that they agree to take part in the proposed session and to contribute to the session organization. All co-conveners should review the convener rules and guidelines.
  3. The EGU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee created the EDI session logo to be added to your session if your convener team fulfils the 3 criteria of diversity in gender, career stage, and geographic affiliation. An automatic check and assignment of this EDI logo is applied if all conveners have filled their user profile. If individual conveners have not filled their user profile, you will be asked to manually indicate whether the diversity criteria are fulfilled. We then kindly ask you to encourage your colleagues to complete their profile online. Please note that the EDI logo only appears on the listed session following session programme finalization.
  4. Conveners do not automatically obtain discounts or waivers on the abstract processing charges or the registration fee. If eligible, they can apply to EGU participation support schemes when applications are open during the call-for-abstracts.
  5. It is the responsibility of conveners to advertise their session. The EGU will advertise the conference and the entire programme, but not individual sessions. Email lists cannot be provided for data privacy reasons.
  6. Conveners must comply with the EGU General Assembly rules of conduct.

Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer online system

  1. Conveners use the tools of the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer online system. For this purpose, they need to register to the system with a user account (ID and password). Only registered conveners can access the online system. The ID is a personal identification and cannot be shared with others.
  2. Conveners can create or update their user account, including updating their email address, at:
  3. Names and affiliations of conveners and co-conveners are listed in the programme for each session. Other personal details are only displayed if explicitly permitted by the conveners in their personal account. The person proposing the session agrees to be the session point of contact, with an email address visible for session related questions.
  4. When submitting a session proposal, conveners and co-conveners are entered by first name, last name, and email. If these data match an existing user ID, they are connected to this ID. Conveners and co-conveners who already have an ID should be registered with the email address associated with that ID. This is to avoid multiple IDs for the same person and associated login problems.
  5. Copernicus Meetings can be contacted at
Current/upcoming tasks

Abstract submission & solicited abstract TANs (October to January)

During abstract submission, conveners are encouraged to promote their session. At any time, conveners can see the abstracts already submitted to their session by using the convener login link. We ask conveners to consider diversity in country, career stage, gender, and scientific approaches when encouraging colleagues to submit abstracts to their session.

Conveners can also plan to have a solicited abstract in their session, if relevant. Solicited presentations provide a means to highlight a specific overarching topic within a session. Solicited abstracts can be for oral, PICO, or poster presentations, but conveners should keep in mind that the type of presentation is not guaranteed until the meeting programme is finalized by the Programme Committee.

In order to allow enough room for the presentations coming from the public call for abstracts, some rules and guidelines apply.

  1. A session can only have one solicited abstract per time block. Although numbers may vary from year to year, and according to the session format, a time block usually comprises around 15 to 22 abstracts.
  2. (Co-)conveners cannot be a solicited speaker in a session they convene.
  3. (Co-)conveners cannot be the presenting author, and are discouraged from being a co-author, in oral presentations in a session they convene.

Overall, considering all sessions in the programme of the General Assembly, authors are allowed, as first author, to submit either one regular abstract plus one solicited abstract, OR two solicited abstracts. An exception to this rule is however possible: authors can submit a second regular abstract if submitted to sessions led by the Education and Outreach Sessions (EOS) Programme Group. Under this exception, the maximum number of abstracts, including solicited abstracts, remains two.

Since the system limits authors to one the regular abstract submission as first author, authors who have a second abstract to submit (following the rules presented above) will need to provide a transaction number (TAN) when submitting their second abstract, whether this second abstract is a solicited or a regular (e.g. EOS) abstract.

In order to provide a TAN for the submission of a solicited abstract, conveners can generate one TAN per session directly through their session overview when logged in. This TAN must be sent directly to the author of the solicited abstract. The author can submit their second abstract through the system using this TAN. Additional TANs, if justified, can be provided by the Programme Group chair to the main convener of a session.

We suggest conveners to send their TAN as early as possible to their solicited author to avoid last-minute problems. Conveners are also encouraged to get in contact with their Programme Group chair for further clarifications, if needed.

Finally, please note that the final status of a 'solicited abstract' is only defined and displayed in the programme later, when conveners prepare the presentation selection during the SOIII phase.

Support application assignment & rating (December)

SOI – abstract implementation & late abstracts (January)

Previous tools/tasks

Session submission: general information

Public call-for-session proposals

Session co-organization and co-sponsoring