On-site poster presentations are organized in poster sessions, which follow a morning (AM) to afternoon (PM) rotation throughout a given conference day. Virtual poster presentations are all scheduled during time block three (TB3) of a given day. Each session has a display time (the time when a poster can be displayed) in addition to an attendance time (the actual time the author is expected to be by their poster for presentation). The scheduling of poster sessions is as follows:

EGU25 Poster schedule

Time block (TB) Time (CEST) Poster phase
TB1 & TB2 08:30–13:30 On-site display time AM
TB1 or TB2 08:30–10:15 or 10:45–12:30 On-site attendance time AM
AM networking transition 12:30–13:30 Take down AM posters
Clean-up 1 13:30–14:00 Conference assistants discard remaining AM posters
TB3 & TB4 14:00–18:00 On-site display time PM
TB3 14:00–15:45 Virtual poster attendance time in Gather.Town
TB3 or TB4 14:00–15:45 or 16:15–18:00 On-site attendance time PM
PM networking time 18:00–19:00 Take down PM posters
Clean-up 2 19:00–19:30 Conference assistants discard remaining PM posters

Depending on the selected presentation form by the author, the poster is either scheduled for an on-site presentation at a physical poster board in Vienna, or as a virtual presentation at a virtual poster board in Gather.Town. Please note that either a physical board or a virtual board is reserved for an author, not both. It is highly recommended that on-site poster authors also upload their poster as presentation file. This way virtual participants will also be able to see and interact with the on-site posters linked in the programme during the corresponding display time.

It is strictly prohibited to take photos of any scientific material without the explicit permission from the authors. Authors are therefore asked to indicate explicitly on their poster whether photography is encouraged or not permitted by displaying one of EGU's official graphics on their poster.

On-site poster boards

  • Poster boards are in landscape format, and authors can make use of the full dimensions of 1978 mm width × 1183 mm height.
  • Pins are used for attaching the poster to the poster board. These are available at the poster board. In case of missing pins, please consult our staff at the facility desk in the respective poster area.
  • Conference assistants in the poster area may assist authors in putting up or taking down their posters.
  • For each poster board, there is a desk to place a private laptop or other device for additional presentations. European-type power sockets are available.
  • The number of each poster abstract and of its corresponding poster board is provided in the appropriate session programme. The first part of this number indicates the poster area and the second part the running number of the respective poster board in that area. The poster area indicators are A. for posters on the second floor (Red Level) in Hall A; X1., X2., and X3. for posters in the basement (Purple Level) in Halls X1, X2, and X3; and X4. and X5. for posters on the ground floor (Yellow Level) in Halls X4 and X5.
  • Presenters taking part in the OSPP contest are asked to download a QR code for their abstract and add it to the poster to allow attendees to easily access the judging form.

Virtual poster boards

  • The scheduled virtual posters have a reserved virtual poster board in Gather.Town. The number of each poster abstract and of its corresponding virtual poster board is provided in the respective session programme.
  • A link to access to the Gather.Town space will appear in the programme of the session.
  • Virtual posters are grouped in virtual poster halls, which reflect the PICO spots on-site. The first part of the poster board number indicates the virtual poster hall and the second part, the number of the respective virtual poster board.
  • Presenters taking part in the OSPP contest are asked to download a QR code for their abstract and add it to the presentation to allow attendees to easily access the judging form.

On-site poster display and attendance time

  • For AM sessions, the display time is 08:30-12:30 (time block one & two), while the attendance time is either 08:30-10:15 (time block one) or 10:45-12:30 (time block two). The poster can remain hanging for extended discussion during the AM networking transition phase of 12:30-13:30, but must be taken down by 13:30 as this marks the start of the AM clean-up period.
  • For PM sessions, the display time is 14:00-18:00 (time block three & four), while the attendance time is either 14:00-15:45 (time block three) or 16:15-18:00 (time block four). The poster can remain hanging for extended discussion during the PM networking transition phase of 18:00-19:00, but must be taken down by 19:00 as this marks the start of the PM clean-up period.
  • Authors of on-site posters are kindly asked to put up their posters within their allocated display time (but not sooner!) in preparation for their attendance time.
  • Authors of on-site posters are asked to take down their posters within the hour that follows their attendance time. Any posters remaining during the clean-up phase (13:30-14:00 for AM posters and 19:00-19:30 for PM posters) will be removed and disposed of by the conference staff.

Virtual poster display and attendance time

  • Virtual authors do not need to "hang up" their poster in Gather.Town, as the live presentation file will automatically be transferred to their assigned poster board on the day of their scheduled presentation. This means that the display time for virtual authors is the full day, 08:30-18:00.
  • The virtual author is expected to be in Gather.Town, their avatar standing beside their assigned poster board, for the attendance time of 14:00-15:45 (time block three).

Virtual poster spots (on-site)

  • On-site participants will have the opportunity to interact with virtual poster authors through virtual poster spots, also known as vPoster spots.
  • During time block 3 (14:00-15:45), the PICO spots will serve as vPoster spots; each one representing the corresponding virtual poster hall in Gather.Town. For example, the vPoster spot of A will reflect the posters to be presented in Gather.Town's vPoster spot A that day.
  • A conference assistant will navigate an avatar through Gather.Town on behalf of the on-site audience, stopping by each virtual poster board. On-site participants can pose questions to the virtual poster author using a microphone, this interaction will be moderated by an on-site session chairperson.
  • The Gather.Town space, audio of the virtual author (and video, if enabled), along with the virtual poster, will be projected on the large screen for the on-site audience. A camera will face the audience, allowing the virtual author to see the group.
  • During this time, the PICO viewing screens will display the virtual poster files of the respective virtual poster hall. On-site participants are invited to navigate the virtual posters in detail using these touch screens.

Poster areas at the Austria Center Vienna

  • All physical poster boards have power supply and a table attached to the board. You can bring your laptop or other device to show additional data, animations, or presentations.
  • The tabletop of the table attached to your poster board can be lifted to store items (e.g., your poster tube or jacket etc.). Please note that storing items is at your own risk and this space cannot be locked.
  • There are also chairs for those who require them. Please ask the conference assistants, if you cannot locate a chair, and they will be happy to help you.

Poster preparation

On-site posters

  • Place the title of your abstract clearly at the top of the poster to allow viewers to easily identify your paper. Indicate the authors' names and address information in order to allow interested viewers to contact you for more information.
  • Place EGU's official graphic whether you encourage or do not permitted photography of your poster .
  • Prepare all diagrams or charts neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 1.5–2.0 m. We recommended using a minimum font size of 16pt. Use different colours or line-types for each line or bars contained in your graph or chart.
  • Organize the poster in a way that it is clear, orderly, and self-explanatory. The poster must cover the same content as the abstract. Label different elements as 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C. This will make it easier for a viewer to follow your display.
  • Include the background of your research followed by results and conclusions. The success of a poster presentation is contingent on how well you convey the information to an interested audience.
  • Please ensure that the correct author is assigned presenting author for the abstract.
  • On-site presenters are requested to also upload their poster as presentation file. The live presentation file must be uploaded at least 24 hours prior to the session's start. This way it is ensured that also virtual participants will be able to see the on-site posters linked in the programme.
  • Furthermore, all poster authors are strongly encouraged to also upload their poster as optional supplementary material. This will allow participants to view and interact with the material for the 23 March to 31 May period.

Virtual posters

  • Authors may design their virtual poster according to their preference, though it is recommended that you generally follow the guidelines as for the on-site posters in terms of structuring. It is recommended to design the poster in a way that allows an easy on-screen reading by participants.
  • Please ensure that the correct author is assigned presenting author for the abstract.
  • All presenters are required to upload their poster as a live presentation file at least 24 hours prior to the session's start. This file will then be linked to your virtual poster board in Gather.Town and linked in the session programme.
  • Furthermore, all poster authors are strongly encouraged to also upload their poster as optional supplementary material. This will allow participants to also view the material in the session programme in case they have missed to see the poster during the scheduled display time.

Guidance for preparing your live presentation file & supplementary materials

  • Use font sizes that are large enough to be read for everyone. EGU recommends that you do not use a font size smaller than 16pt.
  • For charts and maps, use colour schemes that allow readers with colour vision deficiencies to correctly interpret your findings. Please check your images using the Coblis – Color Blindness Simulator and revise the colour schemes accordingly.
  • Place EGU's official graphic indicating whether you do not permit or encourage photos and screenshots of your live presentation.
  • Ensure that all images in presentations that are not yours are credited, including those from Wikipedia or imaggeo.
  • If presentations include maps, authors are asked to adhere to United Nations naming conventions. In order to depoliticize scientific presentations, authors should avoid drawing contested borders or using contested geographic names.
  • Consider adding the QR code of your abstract which you can find in the abstract information.

Rules and guidance for giving your presentation

  • All presenters and any other persons involved in live sessions, including conveners and chairpersons, must be registered for the conference in order to obtain physical access to the conference centre, virtual access to the Zoom meetings, or Gather.Town. Registration is also required for authors of solicited presentations. Without a completed registration, you will not be able to attend any event at EGU25, neither in person nor virtually. The registration is also mandatory for uploading your presentation and supplementary material.
  • For virtual presenters, we recommend that you find a quiet space for participating in the live session, preferably in a well-lit area and with a plain and neutral-coloured backdrop. Lighting should illuminate your face (i.e., no window or light source behind you). Please use some form of external microphone or headset during your presentation, as internal computer microphones are often not able to provide sufficient quality sound.
  • Acceptance of an abstract and its inclusion in the programme of the General Assembly obliges the author or one of the co-authors to present the contribution at the time and in the manner indicated, on-site or virtually, or to upload a pre-recorded presentation. If you know that your presentation will not be presented in either way, you are kindly asked to withdraw your abstract as soon as possible.

Presentation upload

  • All poster presenters (regardless of whether presenting onsite or virtually) must upload their file for the entire presentation at least 24 hours prior to the session's start time.
  • The live presentation file can either be uploaded by the contact author (who submitted the abstract) or the nominated presenting author of the abstract.
  • During upload of the live presentation file, one must select whether their poster is visible to registered conference participants on the session page either during their display time (morning or afternoon for on-site poster authors, and entire day for virtual poster authors) or for the full conference week.
  • Please remember that a paid conference registration (either for on-site participation or virtual participation) is mandatory for the person uploading the presentation file in order to access the upload tool.
  • Presenters (regardless of whether presenting on-site or virtually) are supposed to upload their poster for the presentation. Your poster file must be a one page PDF file. The presentation file will only be shown during the live session. The file is not accessible publicly by participants.
  • The presentation file must be a one page PDF file. The file size is limited to 50 MB.

Supplementary materials and commenting

  • All authors are encouraged to upload supplementary materials (previously called display materials) to accompany their abstracts. These can be uploaded from 25 March and will be made available to registered conference attendees from 25 March to 31 May. Modifications are possible throughout this period.
  • Supplementary materials can be in *.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, *.jpg, or *.mp4 format and hosted on the EGU25 server, or they can be a *.html linked on the EGU25 website and programme but hosted on the author's own infrastructure. If *.mp4 files are uploaded, these will be submitted to the EGU25 Vimeo channel which will be accessible for registered attendees.
  • In addition to the supplementary materials, authors can provide a DOI or URL linking to a presentation they have pre-recorded and submitted to portals like YouTube.
  • The file size of supplementary materials is limited to 50 MB per abstract for *.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, or *.jpg files, and to 200 MB for a *.mp4 video file.
  • If authors opt for the open-access Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), their supplementary materials become openly accessible through EGUsphere one month after the conference ends.
  • Registered conference attendees can comment on uploaded supplementary materials through the conference platform from 23 March to 31 May, unless the abstract authors have opted out of the commenting feature.

Poster printing service

A poster printing service will be offered. Posters can be ordered online only in advance or during the conference. The order form, prices, and pick-up times are available at XEST®, the EGU25 official poster printing partner. The pick-up desk is located in the entrance hall (daily, 08:00–15:00).

Poster no-shows

  • Inclusion of your abstract in the conference programme obliges you or one of your co-authors to present your contribution at the time and in the manner indicated. If you already know that your poster will not be presented, you are asked to withdraw your abstract as soon as possible. Not only are unpresented posters frustrating for other attendees planning to engage with you about your research, but they are also costly as the board space is reserved for your poster.
  • At the conference, missing presentations are categoriszed as no-shows if the abstract has not been withdrawn by the time of the presentation as given in the programme. Such no-shows will be noted, and authors will be asked for reasons. Without appropriate reasons, these abstracts and their PDF files will be removed from the conference website and a message 'withdrawn after no-show' is added to the presentation slot in the online programme.