Structure of the Programme Committee

The EGU Programme Committee (PC) has the following members:

  1. EGU PC Co-chairs;
  2. EGU President, EGU Vice-President, EGU General Secretary, EGU Treasurer, EGU Executive Secretary, EGU Events Manager;
  3. Copernicus Meetings Conference Managers;
  4. Programme Group (PG) chairs;
  5. PC Officers and Coordinators.

Each Programme Group (PG) includes the following:

  1. PG Chair;
  2. PG science officers;
  3. PG conveners, authors, and participants.

The PC Co-chairs oversee the entire General Assembly programme and chair meetings of the Programme Committee, where key decisions are taken. Each Programme Group chair is responsible for the organization of their respective PG's programme at the General Assembly.

All Programme Committee members must comply with the EGU General Assembly rules of conduct.

This page contains information to help members of the EGU Programme Committee during the various stages of building the programme for the General Assembly. These stages follow the timing outlined in the deadline and milestones table.

Current/upcoming tasks

PC support ranking (PCSR)

PCI – abstract implementation & session tagging

PCII scheduling

Previous tools/tasks

Skeleton programme

Public call-for-session

Session programme finalization