Education and Outreach Sessions (EOS) at the EGU General Assembly enable participants to share and reflect on practice in topics related to outreach and education in their broadest sense. They are Union-wide sessions open for all to contribute and discuss across disciplines (as convener, author, or attendee).

To encourage participation, all first authors of an abstract to any Programme Group (PG) within the General Assembly are allowed to also submit a second regular abstract to an EOS-led session.

Submitting a session to the EOS Programme Group

Submission of session proposals to the EOS PG is possible during the public call-for-session (see deadlines and milestones table). EOS topics vary each year, but typically include:

  1. Science communication, engagement & outreach
  2. Higher education teaching & research
  3. Equality, diversity & inclusion
  4. Geoethics, open science & policy

Conveners willing to submit a session to the EOS Programme Group should follow the general Convener guidelines and rules.

Contact and further information

The EOS programme is the joint responsibility of the EGU's Outreach Committee and the EGU's Education Committee.

The Education Committee's GIFT (Geoscience Information for Teachers) programme is also part of the EOS programme.

EOS Programme Group Chair: Solmaz Mohadjer,