Information and booking

The booking of childcare service will start on 17 March 2025, 13:00 CET.
To book childcare service, a paid conference registration is required.

The EGU is committed to providing a good conference experience for attendees bringing their children to Vienna. In order to do this, we have formed a partnership with Flying Nanny, a service of the Vienna University Children's Office.

The EGU provides professional childcare facilities inside the conference centre free of charge. They are located on the Purple Level -2 (basement), in two adjacent areas across the entrance to Hall X1, tucked away from the commotion of the conference. Childcare must be booked in advance and only a limited number of places are available. The service will be provided from Monday to Friday, 08:30–12:30 and 14:00–18:00 (i.e. 2 time slots on each of the 5 days = 10 time slots in total).

To book childcare service, a paid conference registration is required.

Through the childcare registration form, you are able to book up to 5 time slots. This limitation is designed to allow as many parents as possible to make use of the childcare service. You can put yourself on a waiting list for further time slots should vacancies occur. When selecting your slots, please be aware that the childcare is separated by age, with the younger children (aged 1-2) in one area and the older children (aged 3-12) in another area.

In addition to free childcare, parents are advised that in 2025, EGU and Copernicus have introduced a new option for a waived registration that can be provided to one support person (additional parent or other carer) to assist with childcare of children under the age of 3 during the meeting. The support person as well as any children must be registered and these registrations must be accompanied by a legal parent or guardian with a paid registration. The registration can only be acquired together with the registration of the legal parent and requires a TAN (transaction number) as passcode that can be obtained by email. For more information, see the registration page.

The childcare service also includes occasional visits to the nearby playground in Donaupark (see map below).

Childcare booking

Terms and conditions

  • You are aware that it is not allowed to book the childcare service for one child by separate parent parts to avoid the limitation of a maximum of 5 time slots.
  • You respect the above-mentioned opening hours of the childcare service and ensure that you bring and pick up your child in a timely fashion (max 15 minutes before/after the official childcare hours).
  • You only book time slots which are really needed, prioritizing presentation or session convener duties (due to high demand on the service).
  • If you will not arrive in time with your child (max. 15 min after the time slot starts), your entire booking will be cancelled and your time slots will be assigned to parents on the waiting list.
  • In case of illness or any other reason preventing you from using your booked time slots, you email immediately to inform us that you will not be able to use the slot. Other parents might be on the waiting list for affected time slots.
  • You are aware that there is no possibility for a nap.
  • You are aware that it is your responsibility to provide sufficient hygiene articles (nappies, etc.), food, and drinks for your child.
  • You agree that the nannies can visit the playground with your child (see above).
  • You confirm that the details provided on the childcare booking form are all true and correct.
  • Should the nannies decide that your child is contagious or too ill to attend the childcare, you will accept this decision and promptly pick up your child.
  • Duty of supervision: Flying Nanny, a service of the Vienna University Children's Office, as the provider of the childcare assumes the statutory duty of supervision for the duration of the childcare. Otherwise, the liability of Flying Nanny is limited to intent and gross negligence.

For more information about the EGU25 childcare service, or if you have additional questions not answered by the information here, please contact