The EGU General Assembly in 2025 will combine the best of long-established, traditional presentation and networking formats, while continuing to support hybridization and improving accessibility and inclusion for all of our participants. EGU25 will feature oral presentations, poster sessions, and the established PICO format for presenters on-site in Vienna as well as those presenting remotely.

Oral presentations

All EGU25 oral sessions will be available for participants in a hybrid format (virtual and on-site). The hybrid function of the oral presentations will be delivered with Zoom meetings using lectern cameras and microphones. Oral sessions will be scheduled for a specific day and time block(s) in a lecture room in Vienna (simultaneously on Zoom), following the schedule below:

EGU25 Schedule

Time block (TB) Time (CEST)
TB1 08:30–10:15
AM Coffee break 10:15–10:45
TB2 10:45–12:30
Lunch 12:30–14:00
TB3 14:00–15:45
PM Coffee break 15:45–16:15
TB4 16:15–18:00
Networking 18:00–19:00
Medal & Award lectures, evening events 19:00 & onward

  • The duration of a regular (non-solicited) oral presentation is of 10 minutes (including questions), and authors are requested to keep time. Conveners can allocate a maximum of 10 presentations in one time block, with the option to use the remaining 5 minutes to introduce the session at its beginning.
  • Authors of oral presentations are strongly recommended to upload supplementary materials for asynchronous discussion and possible revision during a 2-month period, from 25 March to 31 May 2025. During this commenting and discussion period, only registered attendees are granted access. Afterwards, supplementary materials are opened to the public through EGUsphere and distributed following the CC-BY License.
  • A minimum of 24 hours prior to the oral session's starting time, authors have to upload their presentation file containing the slides. During upload of the live presentation file, the author can select whether the presentation is linked to and visible to registered conference participants on the session page alongside the abstract during the session’s scheduled time block(s) or not at all.

Scheduled oral sessions will proceed as follows:

  • On-site authors use the lectern and its microphone to give their presentation. They forward their own slides from the presentation previously uploaded. The presentation runs on the lecture room computer connected to a projector and shared simultaneously in the Zoom meeting.
  • Virtual authors will join the session through the Zoom meeting link. Once their presentation begins they will unmute themselves in order to speak to the on-site and the virtual attendees. Their previously uploaded presentation will be shared by the on-site conference assistant on the lecture room computer. The conference assistant will move the slides forward for the virtual speaker. The virtual speaker's camera feed is shown to the on-site attendees on the projector.
  • On-site attendees engage with all presentations on the screen inside the lecture room. They can propose questions to the speaker (either virtual or on-site) moderated by a chairperson, using the in-room microphone
  • Virtual attendees engage with all presentations using the Zoom meeting operated from the lecture room computer. Virtual attendees will have a side-by-side view of either the on-site or virtual presenter and the presentation slides. They can ask questions through the Zoom chat. The session chairperson can repeat the questions, to be answered by on-site or virtual authors.

Poster presentations

All EGU25 poster sessions will be available for participants in a hybrid format (virtual and on-site). They will be scheduled on a specific day and time block(s), following the schedule below:

EGU25 Poster schedule

Time block (TB) Time (CEST) Poster phase
TB1 & TB2 08:30–12:30 On-site display time AM
TB1 or TB2 08:30– 10:15 or 10:45–12:30 On-site attendance time AM
AM networking transition 12:30–13:30 Take down AM posters
Clean-up 1 13:30–14:00 Conference assistants discard remaining AM posters
TB3 & TB4 14:00–18:00 On-site display time PM
TB3 14:00–15:45 Virtual poster session time
TB3 or TB4 14:00– 15:45 or 16:15–18:00 On-site attendance time PM
PM networking time 18:00–19:00 Take down of PM posters
Clean-up 2 19:00–19:30 Conference assistants discard remaining PM posters

  • The posters are either presented on-site in Vienna or remotely, using a specially designed platform on Gather.Town.
  • Authors of on-site posters are assigned a poster board number in a poster hall in Vienna, where they can fix their poster (poster layout required) during the on-site display and attendance times on the day assigned to their session.
  • Authors of virtual posters are assigned a poster board number in a corresponding virtual poster hall on Gather.Town, where they can remotely be in attendance to present their posters. They can also pitch their posters during the virtual poster session time (time block TB3) on the day assigned to their session, when the screen of a PICO Spot on-site is connected live to Gather.Town.
  • In order to support access by both on-site and online attendees to both on-site and virtual posters, authors of poster presentations are strongly recommended to upload supplementary materials for asynchronous discussion and possible revision during a 2-month period from 25 March 2025 to 31 May 2025. During this commenting and discussion period, only registered attendees are granted access. Afterwards, supplementary materials are opened to the public through EGUsphere and distributed following the CC-BY License. The supplementary material of a poster presentation does not have to be the poster layout itself, it can also be a PowerPoint presentation or a recorded video.
  • A minimum of 24 hours prior to the (on-site or virtual) poster session's starting time, authors have to upload a presentation file containing their poster. During the upload, the author can select whether their live presentation poster file is visible only during their session (morning or afternoon for on-site poster authors, and entire day for virtual poster authors), or for the full conference week. The corresponding supplementary materials are available for a 2-month period for commenting and discussion.

The scheduled poster sessions will proceed as follows:

  • On-site authors set up their poster in the poster hall in Vienna, at the assigned poster board number at their respective display time (time block 1 or 3). During their scheduled attendance time, on-site presenters stand next to their poster presenting and exchanging with on-site attendees. Presenters are welcome to continue the discussion beyond their scheduled attendance time, but should be mindful to take down their poster by 13:30 for AM sessions or 19:00 for PM sessions when clean-up commences. Any poster left hanging at this stage will be discarded by the conference assistants. Following the scheduled on-site poster presentations, authors should check their supplementary materials for any further discussions and questions that might come from virtual attendees, as they can post comments to the supplementary materials.
  • Virtual authors do not need to set anything up themselves in Gather.Town. Their poster board number will be displayed in Gather.Town, and can easily be linked to their previously uploaded live presentation poster file, which will also be visible on the session's web page. On the day their poster is scheduled, they should connect to Gather.Town (detailed guidelines will be provided) and 'stand' next to their poster board. They can then present their posters and interact with other attendees also connected in Gather.Town. During time block TB3 (14:00– 15:45 CEST) of the scheduled day of their poster presentation, Gather.Town will be connected to a PICO Spot on-site in Vienna. A chairperson on-site, supported by a conference assistant, will call the authors to pitch their posters, interact and reply to any questions from on-site attendees. In addition, on-site attendees can also interact with virtual authors by entering Gather.Town, using their own computers or the virtual poster hubs set-up on-site in Vienna, as well as using the supplementary materials to leave comments which can be answered at a later time.
  • On-site attendees visit on-site posters in the on-site poster halls in Vienna. Virtual poster interaction can take place using Gather.Town in one of two ways: by logging into Gather.Town directly, or through the on-site virtual poster session, which occurs every day during TB3 in a PICO spot. During time block TB3, the PICO spots of each corresponding poster hall (i.e. X2 on-site is vX2 in the Gather.Town space) will transform into a virtual poster session and display virtual posters on their large screen. On-site attendees can listen to virtual poster presenters and interact with them by posing questions using the microphones provided. The session is moderated by an on-site chairperson. On-site attendees may also use the PICO viewing screens to browse through the uploaded live presentation files of the sessions taking place in the corresponding virtual poster hall.
  • Virtual attendees visit virtual posters using Gather.Town, where they can meet virtual presenting authors and interact with them. The scheduled attendance virtual poster time is time block TB3 (14:00–15:45 CEST), but virtual attendees and poster presenter can connect and interact at any time during the day.

PICO presentations

All EGU25 PICO sessions will be available for participants in a hybrid format (virtual and on-site). They will be scheduled on a specific day during time blocks 1, 2, and 4 at a PICO spot in Vienna, following the schedule below:

EGU25 Schedule

Time block (TB) Time (CEST)
TB1 08:30–10:15
AM Coffee break 10:15–10:45
TB2 10:45–12:30
Lunch 12:30–14:00
TB3 (virtual posters, no PICOs) 14:00–15:45
PM Coffee break 15:45–16:15
TB4 16:15–18:00
Networking 18:00–19:00
Medal & Award lectures, evening events 19:00 & onward

  • The PICO spots provide a combination of a stage and audience area for a 2-minute summary of abstract introductions, together with a number of PICO screens for a longer and more detailed presentation of slides or other materials and discussions. PICO spots will also be provided with a Zoom meeting connection to allow virtual PICO presentation and attendance during the 2-minute introductory talks and to host discussions with virtual PICO authors.
  • The abstracts of a PICO session are scheduled for a specific time and day. On-site PICO authors are assigned a PICO screen number on-site in Vienna. Virtual PICO authors are connected altogether to the big screen in the stage.
  • Authors of PICO presentations are strongly recommended to upload supplementary materials for asynchronous discussion and possible revision during a 2-month period from 25 March to 31 May 2025. During this period of commenting and discussion, only registered attendees are granted access. Afterwards, supplementary materials are opened to the public through EGUsphere and distributed following the CC-BY License. The supplementary material of a PICO presentation can be the same as the presentation file, but does not have to be. Authors can choose if they wish to provide further information or even a recorded video.
  • A minimum of 24 hours prior to the PICO session's starting time, authors have to upload their actual live PICO presentation file containing the slides for the 2-minute introductory abstract summary presentation, as well as the longer, detailed presentation. This full file is linked alongside the abstract on the session's web page. During upload, the author can select whether their live presentation file is visible to registered conference participants only during the session's scheduled time block(s) or for the full conference week. The corresponding supplementary materials are available for a 2-month period for commenting and discussion.

The scheduled PICO sessions will proceed as follows:

  • On-site authors use the lectern at the stage at the PICO spot to present their previously uploaded live PICO 2-minute presentation file. On-site presenters will be able to move their own slides forward. This projection at the PICO spot's screen will be shared simultaneously in the Zoom meeting for virtual attendees. After all PICO presentations have been pitched, the on-site authors move to their assigned PICO viewing screen (according to their assigned number) at the PICO spot. The presentation file is automatically opened at the PICO viewing screen. On-site attendees will then be able to meet the authors on-site, ask questions and discuss their longer format presentation slides. Following the scheduled on-site live PICO presentations, authors should check their supplementary materials for questions that may come from virtual attendees, which can only be posted as comments to the supplementary materials and discussed there.
  • Virtual authors will use the provided Zoom meeting to give their 2-minute introductory presentation. The previously uploaded presentation files will be controlled by the conference assistant on-site at the PICO spot in Vienna. The presenters will unmute themselves to be heard within Zoom by virtual attendees, as well as by the on-site attendees in Vienna. After all PICO presentations have been pitched, the virtual authors will remain on Zoom for a moderated discussion, accepting questions from the on-site and virtual audience members. Further discussion can take place in the comments of the uploaded supplementary materials, which can be answered at a later time.
  • On-site attendees will visit the PICO spot's stage area first, to follow the 2-minute introductory talks. Afterwards, they move on to the PICO viewing screens according to their interest. They can engage with the presentation files as these files automatically open on the assigned screens and ask questions to the on-site author directly. Alternatively, attendees may stay in the PICO stage area to interact and ask questions to the virtual PICO authors using a microphone that will be available, and following instructions of the on-site chairperson and the conference assistant. Further discussion or questions can take place on the uploaded supplementary materials, which can be answered at a later time.
  • Virtual attendees engage with all 2-minute introductory presentations using the Zoom meeting operated from the PICO spot computer. Virtual attendees will have a side-by-side view of either on-site or virtual presenters and the presentation slides. Following the 2-minute presentations, virtual attendees stay in the Zoom meeting. They can then interact with both on-site and virtual attendees and other virtual PICO authors. A chairperson will moderate the discussions. Virtual attendees can ask questions to virtual presenters through the Zoom meeting connection, but they can only ask questions to on-site authors by posting a comment on their supplementary materials for discussion.